Sunday, March 4, 2018

My Journey with Tarot

Well, it has been quite some time since I updated this blog... I seem to have forgotten about its existence entirely.  Somehow I managed to find my way back, just in time for me to begin a new tarot journey with  One of my first exercises is to reflect on a few questions about my experience with tarot thus far.

I first came across tarot when I was about 12.  I begged my mom for a tarot deck and we ended up picking up my first deck from Waldenbooks in the local mall.  My deck was the Tarot of Marseilles which probably was not the best option for a beginner as the minor arcana cards don't have the symbology typically found on the Rider Waite decks, instead it is similar to regular playing cards, so I had to consult the book for every single minor arcana card that popped up in a reading, until I learned to memorize a few.

The main reason I want to learn tarot is so that I gain confidence to read for others.  I am comfortable doing readings for myself but still a bit nervous about sharing with friends, so I think this will be great to learn and practice so that I feel more comfortable with my intuition.

Here's how I feel about learning tarot in three words: excited, determined, and hopeful.

Tarot's main purpose for me is to be a tool to connect deeper with my own intuition, and learned to trust it.

Here are some things that I don't believe about tarot:
"you can't buy a deck for yourself, someone has to gift it to you."  Sorry but I call B.S., I have not had any issues using a deck I bought for myself versus one that someone else got for me.
I also don't believe that the future is 100% guaranteed by the tarot, I think it can be a prediction or a warning of what will MOST LIKELY occur if an individual follows their current path.  That doesn't mean people don't still have free will and the ability to manifest their own destiny should they not be happy with where things are headed.

I think the most important qualities in a reader are to remain unbiased, ethical, and realistic.  Some individuals may want so much to hear a specific outcome in a reading that they berate you if you tell them otherwise, but that is their problem, not yours.  Don't just tell someone what they want to hear because they have come to you for a reading.

In learning tarot, I hope to explore different methods and fine tune what works best for me.  I'm looking forward to dedicating time every day to get to know the tarot better.

I think my main challenges will be setting aside enough time each day as my schedule can vary, but I will try to overcome this by scheduling time for this in advance or getting up earlier to be absolutely certain that I will have the time.

I'm very much looking forward to learning and growing from this experience, and I will be sharing my journey on this blog.  If you are interested in taking the Alternative Tarot Course by Beth Maiden at Little Red Tarot, you can find out more here.

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