Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Reading for my tarot Journey

A Six Card Reading with Zerber Farber Tarot Deck

Today I did a 6 card spread to see what this tarot journey has in store for me.  Here's my interpretation of the cards:

1. My most important characteristic - Seven of Swords: I need to be able to deal positively with opposition.  Perhaps this could mean my own ego could be my own worst enemy.  I need to let go of my fear of what other people think because I hold myself back from growth out of fear.

2. My current strengths as a tarot reader - Eight of Pentacles: I have dedicated a lot of time to mastering my skills, this has provided me with a good foundation for my learning, as long as I can avoid being too much of a perfectionist in the process.

3. What limits me while I go through this process - The Sun: While the sun is a positive card, maybe this is a warning about being overly optimistic, perhaps sharing too much with friends or family may have a reverse effect on my process if I don't get the positive feedback I desire.

4. What key lesson can I learn during this journey - Princess of Hearts: How to fully read the situation without making an emotional response. Balance logic and intuition.

5. How can I be open to learning and developing during this time - The Chariot: Stay focused on moving forward towards the goal. Harness self control, determination, and self confidence.

6. What is the potential outcome - Nine of Pentacles: Abundance and independence, possibly being able to confidently do paid readings.

Out of these six cards that appeared in this spread, I resonate most with The Chariot, reminding me to charge forth and seize the goal! I will be keeping an image of this card with me during my tarot journey as a reminder to stay focused.

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