Thursday, March 29, 2018

Daily Tarot Card - Death

Today's Tarot Card is Death from the Zerner Farber Tarot Deck.  It depicts a skeleton walking along a path.  Behind him is a large half circle, half of which is green, and the other half is red, perhaps symbolizing a shift from the beginning to the end of something.   He is walking in the direction of some fresh looking leaves, possible indicating that something must die in order to bring forth new life.

Death Tarot Card - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck
Death - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck

The Death card very rarely indicates actual physical death, instead, it indicates transformation of a situation to make way for new growth.  This could symbolize a time of mourning and processing your feelings.  This card says that while there is a light at the end of the tunnel, you still have to walk through the dark night of the soul to get there.  This can also mean a fear of death, so this card may come up to remind you that you need to have courage to face the inevitable.

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