Friday, March 16, 2018

Daily Tarot Card - Queen of Wands

Today I drew the Queen of Wands.  She is depicted as a woman with a focused gaze, flowers adorn her brown hair.  She also has a flame crowning her, perhaps signifying a desire or ambition.

Queen of Wands Tarot Card - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck
Queen of Wands - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck

I view this card as symbolizing a hard-working woman.  She isn't afraid to tackle a new project or step up to take the lead.  She may come off as hot-headed (after all she has a flame atop her head), but she is energetic and focused, most likely motivating those around her in whatever project may be present. She could symbolize a mother, or a female boss. 

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