Monday, March 5, 2018

Daily Tarot Card - Four of Pentacles

First let me say that the deck that I prefer the most so far is the Fabric Collage Tapestry edition by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber.  I am absolutely in love with the artwork on every card, and I love that the deck came with a cute gold silk tarot card bag.  Compared to the Rider Waite deck, I find the artwork on this deck speaks to me much more easily, and I felt comfortable using this deck intuitively almost instantly, whereas I require a bit more time with other decks when I first start using them.

I will be drawing a card every morning for my daily dose of tarot insight, and blogging about my conclusions.  Today's card is the Four of Pentacles, which with this deck, shows a woman clutching strands of pearls to her chest while looking over her shoulder.  She is naked, but fabrics draped across her lap, showing that she isn't necessarily in need of more clothing.  She is guarding her items with an obvious show of possessiveness, perhaps even paranoia.

Four of Pentacles Tarot Card - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck
Four of Pentacles - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck

This card resonates with me as I have some financial matters to attend to today and I believe this card is warning me to be mindful of my spending, and to protect what I have.  Also I had originally planned to go shopping for a business suit this week for an interview but as the interview will be postponed for a few weeks, I will stick to the clothing options that I have for now so that I am not spending needlessly.  There have also been reports of attempted break ins at my apartment complex so perhaps this is a reminder to be extra careful to ensure I lock the doors and protect my items from the risk of loss.

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