Thursday, March 8, 2018

Daily Tarot Card - King of Wands

Today I drew the King of Wands.  In my Zerner-Farber deck, he is depicted in studded armored clothing, with a long bushy beard, large wooden shield, and a sword.  In one hand, he holds a wooden staff which appears to be on fire.  He is crowned by the sun overhead, and butterflies fly around him.

King of Wands Tarot Card - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck
King of Wands - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck

To me this symbolizes a great leader, someone who is ambitious and has great ideas, maybe even entrepreneurial.  This person is loyal, trustworthy, and responsible. The fire at the top of the staff symbolizes action and desire, so this person is likely very driven to achieve their goals. Perhaps this card appeared for me today as a reminder to empower myself towards my goals.

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