Thursday, March 8, 2018

My Numerology Tarot Card

An interesting idea is to find which tarot card resonates with your birthday.  This can be determine by adding together all of the digits of your date of birth, and then adding the resulting two digits together to get one number.  After completing these steps, my resulting number is 3 - The Empress.
The Empress Tarot Card - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck
The Empress Card from Zerner Farber Tarot Deck

The Empress signifies to me a feminine, motherly figure. She is depicted outdoors and probably enjoys connecting with nature.  She seems to have a protective quality to her.  She is dignified and commands attention, she can be bossy and is likely a bit of a perfectionist.  She can be sensual, creative, artistic, and she loves unconditionally.  Interesting to note that The Empress corresponds to Venus, the planet of love. 

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