Friday, March 30, 2018

Daily Tarot Card - The Lovers

In the Zerner Farber Tarot deck, the lovers card shows a couple happily dancing.  Above them, an angel blesses them with music.  To the bottom right, is another woman, watching these lovers dance.

The Lovers Tarot Card - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck
The Lovers - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck

While this card can indicate affection, infatuation, or love, it often can represent an important decision needing to be made. These options may seem equally attractive, and you may be weighing your options between what you have and what you think you want.  You may also be having nostalgia for a past love, so a romantic decision must be made as your decisions have long term consequences.  If in a troubled relationship this could be seen as a warning that temptation is coming, or if in a happy relationship, it could indicate blessings from above.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Daily Tarot Card - Death

Today's Tarot Card is Death from the Zerner Farber Tarot Deck.  It depicts a skeleton walking along a path.  Behind him is a large half circle, half of which is green, and the other half is red, perhaps symbolizing a shift from the beginning to the end of something.   He is walking in the direction of some fresh looking leaves, possible indicating that something must die in order to bring forth new life.

Death Tarot Card - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck
Death - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck

The Death card very rarely indicates actual physical death, instead, it indicates transformation of a situation to make way for new growth.  This could symbolize a time of mourning and processing your feelings.  This card says that while there is a light at the end of the tunnel, you still have to walk through the dark night of the soul to get there.  This can also mean a fear of death, so this card may come up to remind you that you need to have courage to face the inevitable.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Daily Tarot Card - The World

Today's card is the World from the Zerner Farber tarot deck.  This is depicted as a bronze female figure running with the earth on its back.  This is surrounded by leaf motifs and there is a building in the background that seems to be from ancient greece. 

The World Tarot Card - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck
The World - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck

This card symbolizes crossing the finish line, and achieving a goal.  It can symbolize old cycles ending, and new opportunities coming forth.  This is a time of evolution, and enlightenment.  Individuals pulling this card may find they realize their potential, and are unified with wisdom at this time.  This is a positive card which should be seen as a congratulations from the universe!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Daily Tarot Card - Queen of Swords

Today I pulled the card Queen of Swords, from my Zerner Farber Tarot Deck.  She is depicted as a dark haired woman with a flower crown in her hair.  Atop her head is a butterfly and there are butterflies depicted in the card background as well.  She is wrapped in a delicate shawl with blue flowers.

Queen of Swords Tarot Card - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck
Queen of Swords - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck

This card can be interpreted as an intelligent, independent woman.  She symbolizes refined taste. To me this card indicates being self-sufficient.  May be a reminder to follow logic as opposed to empathy.  Be strong and direct, be careful of being too independent that you become lonely or appear cold/bitter.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Daily Tarot Card - Queen of Wands

Today I drew the Queen of Wands.  She is depicted as a woman with a focused gaze, flowers adorn her brown hair.  She also has a flame crowning her, perhaps signifying a desire or ambition.

Queen of Wands Tarot Card - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck
Queen of Wands - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck

I view this card as symbolizing a hard-working woman.  She isn't afraid to tackle a new project or step up to take the lead.  She may come off as hot-headed (after all she has a flame atop her head), but she is energetic and focused, most likely motivating those around her in whatever project may be present. She could symbolize a mother, or a female boss. 

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Daily Tarot Card - The Emperor

This card depicts the emperor seated on the throne, in opulent robes, at the base of a tall mountain.  Nature seems to be blooming around him, and he has a regal yet wise energy around him.

The Emperor Tarot Card - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck
The Emporer - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck

To me this card symbolizes achievement, authority, and success.  Confidence and ambition are key traits here. Power and status may improve, great things are possible as long as one is disciplined and responsible.  Symbolizes logical mind instead of emotional mind.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Daily Tarot Card - Ten of Pentacles

Today's card is the Ten of Pentacles, from the Zerner Farber tarot deck.  This card depicts a tall, secure-looking fortress, surrounded by trees.  A sunflower is depicted at the bottom of the cards, and diamonds are depicted in the background.

Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck
Ten of Pentacles - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck

The fortress to me indicates a safe haven, a sanctuary, a home.  The diamonds represent strength and value. This card symbolizes protection from outside forces, or perhaps building upon the foundation of those before you.  This also may be an indication of pending wealth. Other key words could include financial security or investments.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Daily Tarot Card - The Hierophant

Today I pulled The Hierophant during my daily tarot card draw.  In my Zerner Farber tarot deck, he is depicted as a religious figure in billowing white robes, with a male and female listening to him as he imparts his wisdom.  He has one hand pointed to the heavens, while plants and trees are in bloom around him.

The Hierophant Tarot Card - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck 
The Hierophant - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck

To me this card suggests expanding on spiritual knowledge and wisdom.  It can also signify mentoring others, giving advice, or seeking advice from a trusted leader.  The trees and plants around him may symbolize a connection to ancient wisdom and earth based religion. 

Shuffling and Cutting a Tarot Deck

Every tarot reader seems to have their own particular style when it comes to shuffling and cutting a tarot deck.  Some people shuffle "casino" style, but this can damage the cards and cause warping.  A safer alternative is to use the overhand shuffle method, where you cut the cards in two sections, and hold one sideways while dropping cards in small bunches on each side of this section with the other half.  The only problem with this method is that no cards will be "reversed" this way.  A way to get reversed cards while shuffling would be to do the "washing the cards" method, where you spread the entire deck on a surface and use your hands to mix the cards around, then gathering them up in a pile again when you intuitively feel it is time to stop shuffling.

Cutting the deck is also a matter of personal preference.  Some like to cut the deck into two sections, however, I prefer to use my left hand (for receiving) to cut the deck into three piles, and then place them back into one pile in a different order.  If the reading is for someone else, I would let them choose which pile they want on top of the deck, and then begin the reading.

Some individuals feel strongly about not letting others touch their cards, I personally feel that it helps others to feel involved in the process, the deck can always be cleansed of energy with sage or a variety of methods if that is of concern.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Daily Tarot Card - King of Wands

Today I drew the King of Wands.  In my Zerner-Farber deck, he is depicted in studded armored clothing, with a long bushy beard, large wooden shield, and a sword.  In one hand, he holds a wooden staff which appears to be on fire.  He is crowned by the sun overhead, and butterflies fly around him.

King of Wands Tarot Card - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck
King of Wands - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck

To me this symbolizes a great leader, someone who is ambitious and has great ideas, maybe even entrepreneurial.  This person is loyal, trustworthy, and responsible. The fire at the top of the staff symbolizes action and desire, so this person is likely very driven to achieve their goals. Perhaps this card appeared for me today as a reminder to empower myself towards my goals.

My Numerology Tarot Card

An interesting idea is to find which tarot card resonates with your birthday.  This can be determine by adding together all of the digits of your date of birth, and then adding the resulting two digits together to get one number.  After completing these steps, my resulting number is 3 - The Empress.
The Empress Tarot Card - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck
The Empress Card from Zerner Farber Tarot Deck

The Empress signifies to me a feminine, motherly figure. She is depicted outdoors and probably enjoys connecting with nature.  She seems to have a protective quality to her.  She is dignified and commands attention, she can be bossy and is likely a bit of a perfectionist.  She can be sensual, creative, artistic, and she loves unconditionally.  Interesting to note that The Empress corresponds to Venus, the planet of love. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Daily Tarot Card - Five of Wands

This card shows two men who appear to be in a disagreement of some sort. While they don't necessarily have to be physically fighting, this could represent a competition. There appears to be tension between the two individuals depicted on the card.

Five of Wands Tarot Card - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck
Five of Wands - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck

I drew this card in the morning before a job interview, and I felt to me that this card was a representation of my anxiety before and during the interview.  I of course was not in a disagreement during this interaction, but it was definitely uncomfortable and nerve-wracking, as most interviews are. I felt that I did alright during my interview today but I was definitely nervous about being put on the spot.  Only time will tell! Keeping my fingers crossed as this opportunity is for my dream job.

Reading for my tarot Journey

A Six Card Reading with Zerber Farber Tarot Deck

Today I did a 6 card spread to see what this tarot journey has in store for me.  Here's my interpretation of the cards:

1. My most important characteristic - Seven of Swords: I need to be able to deal positively with opposition.  Perhaps this could mean my own ego could be my own worst enemy.  I need to let go of my fear of what other people think because I hold myself back from growth out of fear.

2. My current strengths as a tarot reader - Eight of Pentacles: I have dedicated a lot of time to mastering my skills, this has provided me with a good foundation for my learning, as long as I can avoid being too much of a perfectionist in the process.

3. What limits me while I go through this process - The Sun: While the sun is a positive card, maybe this is a warning about being overly optimistic, perhaps sharing too much with friends or family may have a reverse effect on my process if I don't get the positive feedback I desire.

4. What key lesson can I learn during this journey - Princess of Hearts: How to fully read the situation without making an emotional response. Balance logic and intuition.

5. How can I be open to learning and developing during this time - The Chariot: Stay focused on moving forward towards the goal. Harness self control, determination, and self confidence.

6. What is the potential outcome - Nine of Pentacles: Abundance and independence, possibly being able to confidently do paid readings.

Out of these six cards that appeared in this spread, I resonate most with The Chariot, reminding me to charge forth and seize the goal! I will be keeping an image of this card with me during my tarot journey as a reminder to stay focused.

Daily Tarot Card - Ten of Cups

Today's card is the Ten of Cups, or the Ten of Hearts, as it is referred to in the Zerner-Farber Deck that I am using. The imagery shows a family dancing and celebrating, smiling and clapping.  Love is in the air as depicted by the hearts overhead.  This is certainly a positive card.  In this version, the adult male appears to have a letter or paper of some type in his hand, denoting good news.

Ten of Hearts Tarot Card - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck
10 of Hearts Card from the Zerner-Farber Tarot Deck

There is no doubt that this card is indicative of celebration! Perhaps good news is on the way, or a happy reunion.  Gratitude is another word that comes to mind, seeing the love and happiness coming from above, it is important to be thankful for the blessings received.  I for one, received some good news after I pulled this card, an invitation to interview for another company I had recently applied for was in my email! I am very grateful indeed.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Daily Tarot Card - Four of Pentacles

First let me say that the deck that I prefer the most so far is the Fabric Collage Tapestry edition by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber.  I am absolutely in love with the artwork on every card, and I love that the deck came with a cute gold silk tarot card bag.  Compared to the Rider Waite deck, I find the artwork on this deck speaks to me much more easily, and I felt comfortable using this deck intuitively almost instantly, whereas I require a bit more time with other decks when I first start using them.

I will be drawing a card every morning for my daily dose of tarot insight, and blogging about my conclusions.  Today's card is the Four of Pentacles, which with this deck, shows a woman clutching strands of pearls to her chest while looking over her shoulder.  She is naked, but fabrics draped across her lap, showing that she isn't necessarily in need of more clothing.  She is guarding her items with an obvious show of possessiveness, perhaps even paranoia.

Four of Pentacles Tarot Card - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck
Four of Pentacles - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck

This card resonates with me as I have some financial matters to attend to today and I believe this card is warning me to be mindful of my spending, and to protect what I have.  Also I had originally planned to go shopping for a business suit this week for an interview but as the interview will be postponed for a few weeks, I will stick to the clothing options that I have for now so that I am not spending needlessly.  There have also been reports of attempted break ins at my apartment complex so perhaps this is a reminder to be extra careful to ensure I lock the doors and protect my items from the risk of loss.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

My Journey with Tarot

Well, it has been quite some time since I updated this blog... I seem to have forgotten about its existence entirely.  Somehow I managed to find my way back, just in time for me to begin a new tarot journey with  One of my first exercises is to reflect on a few questions about my experience with tarot thus far.

I first came across tarot when I was about 12.  I begged my mom for a tarot deck and we ended up picking up my first deck from Waldenbooks in the local mall.  My deck was the Tarot of Marseilles which probably was not the best option for a beginner as the minor arcana cards don't have the symbology typically found on the Rider Waite decks, instead it is similar to regular playing cards, so I had to consult the book for every single minor arcana card that popped up in a reading, until I learned to memorize a few.

The main reason I want to learn tarot is so that I gain confidence to read for others.  I am comfortable doing readings for myself but still a bit nervous about sharing with friends, so I think this will be great to learn and practice so that I feel more comfortable with my intuition.

Here's how I feel about learning tarot in three words: excited, determined, and hopeful.

Tarot's main purpose for me is to be a tool to connect deeper with my own intuition, and learned to trust it.

Here are some things that I don't believe about tarot:
"you can't buy a deck for yourself, someone has to gift it to you."  Sorry but I call B.S., I have not had any issues using a deck I bought for myself versus one that someone else got for me.
I also don't believe that the future is 100% guaranteed by the tarot, I think it can be a prediction or a warning of what will MOST LIKELY occur if an individual follows their current path.  That doesn't mean people don't still have free will and the ability to manifest their own destiny should they not be happy with where things are headed.

I think the most important qualities in a reader are to remain unbiased, ethical, and realistic.  Some individuals may want so much to hear a specific outcome in a reading that they berate you if you tell them otherwise, but that is their problem, not yours.  Don't just tell someone what they want to hear because they have come to you for a reading.

In learning tarot, I hope to explore different methods and fine tune what works best for me.  I'm looking forward to dedicating time every day to get to know the tarot better.

I think my main challenges will be setting aside enough time each day as my schedule can vary, but I will try to overcome this by scheduling time for this in advance or getting up earlier to be absolutely certain that I will have the time.

I'm very much looking forward to learning and growing from this experience, and I will be sharing my journey on this blog.  If you are interested in taking the Alternative Tarot Course by Beth Maiden at Little Red Tarot, you can find out more here.