Thursday, August 2, 2012

My Daily Devotion

Many followers of the craft have certain daily magickal routines to connect them with their spiritual self and to dedicate time out of each day to give thanks to spirit.  There are lots of things I try to incorporate into my daily practice, but here is one that I have stuck with the most.

My Daily Ritual

Each day, I like to hold a candle that I reserve just for this ritual, and hold it in my hands.  I meditate on it for a few moments and concentrate on the candle receiving only pure love and positive energy.  I say the following prayer, and light the candle:

Goddess and God of the eternal balance,
I thank you for blessing me with this day.
I pray that you will grant wisdom to my mind,
Strength to my soul,
And compassion to my heart,
So that I may walk the path of the ancient ones this day.
Allow me to live each second as if it is sacred,
Each minute as if it is magick,
And each day as if it were my last.
Give me courage through my struggles,
For the most beautiful rainbow follows the storm.
And remind me that love is the most powerful force
that I possess,
So that I may walk with you,
In perfect love and perfect trust,
In this lifetime, and others yet to come.
Blessed be.

I try to use the candle with this as much as I can, but I am no stranger to saying this prayer at any time the thought comes to mind: while driving, in the shower, any time you want to be reminded of the beauty that is your spirituality.

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