Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Preparing for Reiki Level II

I am super excited right now because I am going to be attuned to Reiki Level II this week.  It has been an interesting experience since Level I and I am eager to be able to do long-distance healing sessions, especially since I plan on moving in the next couple months and still want to be able to treat my family and friends.

In preparation for these long-distance healings, I have prepared something I am very proud of... a Reiki doll!  Many Reiki practitioners will use a teddy bear or pillow or something to use as a substitute during the scanning and healing process, as it helps to have a focal point to determine what areas need the most attention.

I gathered my supplies and made my doll and it looks great!  I used white felt and drew a basic human figure, and cut out two of these.  I then drew the chakra symbols on the felt with fabric markers.  I also sewed on top of these different gemstones corresponding to each of the chakras.  I sewed the two halves of the doll together and stuffed it.  I filled it with polyester stuffing as well as herbs corresponding to the chakras, such as myrrh, patchouli, sandalwood, vetivert, and lavender, and a couple drops of essential oils, before sewing the doll completely.  It looks (and smells) great!  Too bad I have to wait a couple weeks before the attunement process will be finished in order to use it, but it will be a worthwhile wait.


Wynter Moonstone

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