Monday, April 9, 2018

Daily Tarot Card - Queen of Hearts

The Queen of Hearts (or Cups) is depicted by a woman with light hair, wearing a crown of flowers and hearts. There is a rose depicted above her head and blue, water-like swirls beneath her.

Queen of Hearts Tarot Card - Zerner Farber Tarot Deck
The Queen of Hearts - Zerner Farber Deck

This is the card of the empath, someone who realizes the vital connection between the outer word and other people.  She represents emotional intelligence, honesty, wisdom, success, happiness, compassion, intuition, and could represent a good spouse or mother.  She recognizes human frailty, and can teach others to cope with life's challenges.  She can be at risk of getting too close to people or coming across as smothering the initiative of those she tries to help.  She always acts with an awareness of love, but may need to be reminded to give a hand, not a hand-out.  She represents important women or personality traits related to the querents sitation.  She is in touch with deeper emotional knowledge and may have a psychic vibe or even come off as eccentric.  She reminds you to follow your heart.

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